Holistic living solutions for sustainable quality of life for all life.

A Visionary Initiative

  • Transforming existing structures & complexes into models of sustainability & community engagement.
  • Applying these innovations as integrated & easily adaptable housing solutions for new builds.
  • Delivering climate adaptation innovations to at risk populations.

 4 Integrated Phases

  1. Maximizing Energy & Resource Efficiency through bioclimatic architecture and circular design solutions.
  2. Deploying Renewable Energy Systems through community-scale structures that generate surplus power for broader impact.
  3. Creating Living Landscapes through radical greening of roofs, walls, and all spaces with native species.
  4. Enriching Urban Ecosystems through strategic installation of optimized biodiversity enhancements.

Education Initiatives

Intrinsic to the above phases are three levels of educational outreach, designed to foster a deep community connection to the project and its goals.

  • Primary and Secondary School Engagement through free teaching materials on the project’s processes, aims, and importance, aligned with the local curriculum.
  • Upskilling Local Laborers through training to be able to successfully complete similar projects into the future.
  • University Cooperation through internships and practicums for students of architecture and related fields.